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Recall notice for roofing and brazing kits!

Due to the noted individual cases of loss of gas hose properties, which may pose a potential danger to the user, please return all roofing and gas soldering sets, models 31B005, 31B010, 31B011, 31B021, 31B022, 31B024. The kits should be sent back to the head office of Dedra-Exim Sp. z o.o. in Pruszków, ul. 3 Maja 8, 05-800 Pruszków. End users are requested to return the products to the outlets where they purchased them. Corrective invoices will be issued for the returned products.

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Dedra show car!
Dedra-Exim's sales support department has been equipped with a new Renault Master demonstration car, which will be used for product presentations and sales training. It will support and make technical and product trainings more attractive.

You are cordially invited to the demonstrations.


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Dedra conferences 2017!
In March this year, we met with our clients at 3 conferences organised in several selected locations in Poland: at the Uroczysko hotel in Kielce, at the Sułkowski hotel in Boszkowo near Zielona Góra and at the Austeria hotel in Ciechocinek.
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15th PSB Fair in Kielce
Once again, we were present at the PSB Group trade fair, which took place on 8 and 9 March 2017 in Kielce. The fair was open to network partners: depots, outlets, Mrówka shops and PSB Group suppliers.
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