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Thanks to Dedra Exim!

The Warmia and Mazury District Chamber of Civil Engineers would like to officially thank Dedra Exim for its commitment and financial support of the family picnic organised by the Chamber, which took place on 21 September 2019.

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Forbes diamonds for Dedra Exim!
In one of the most important list of companies on the Polish market, whose value is growing the fastest in the last three years, Dedra Exim was found.
Thank you for the distinction!
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IV Dedra Conferences!

This year, for the fourth time, we had the pleasure to host our Customers at Dedra Conferences in Torun and Kazimierz Dolny. The agenda of the meetings included, among other things, interesting presentations, technical demonstrations of products, information on novelties. We would like to thank all our guests for coming.

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Travel 4x4 Rally Team!

For the 2019 season, we have become the official partner of the Podróże 4x4 Rally Team. Their first start with the Tuareg Rally in Algeria is already behind them, with further starts in Drawsko Pomorskie, Kłodzko, Przasnysz, among others. We wish the drivers every success!

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The 6th Bricomarche Fair is behind us!

On 25-26.02.2019, the Bricomarche Fair took place in Poznań once again. We had the opportunity to present our products and a specially prepared trade offer there. We would like to thank everyone who visited our stand and we will see you next year!

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Brinemo o vašu privatnost

Naša web stranica zajedno s Pouzdanim Partnerima obrađuje vaše osobne podatke koje prikupljamo na internetu, poput IP adrese vašeg uređaja i informacija pohranjenih putem tehnologija koje se koriste za praćenje i pohranu podataka, kao što su kolačići, web oznake ili slične tehnologije.

Kolačići se koriste za pružanje usluga sukladno Pravilima privatnosti, kao i u analitičke, marketinške svrhe, te za prilagođavanje sadržaja vašim preferencijama i interesima, uključujući prikazivanje personaliziranog sadržaja (oglasnog) i ispravan rad web stranice. Uvjetima pohrane i pristupa kolačićima možete upravljati putem vašeg preglednika.

Klikom na "SLAŽEM SE, ŽELIM PRIJEĆI NA STRANICU" pristajete na korištenje kolačića sukladno postavkama vašeg preglednika te prilagodbu sadržaja na našoj web stranici prema vašim preferencijama, kao i u statističke i marketinške svrhe, uključujući prikazivanje personaliziranog sadržaja (oglasnog). Suglasnost možete povući u bilo kojem trenutku brisanjem kolačića iz preglednika na određenom uređaju.

Ako kliknete "NE SLAŽEM SE" - nećete moći pristupiti stranici.
